Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Beyond Coal Script

Michigan State’s consumption of power is constantly increasing and MSU’s T.B. Simon power plant will need to expand in the near future in order to meet with the rising demand.

However, Coal prices are likely to rise in the near future due to increases in demand for coal in the global market as a result of industrial growth. The majority of coal burned at MSU is sub-bituminous coal from the Appalachian region, and is obtained through a process known as mountaintop removal. There is currently legislation being passed to curtail this practice. As a result, MSU will be forced to purchase lower-quality coal from further away, increasing shipping costs. These costs add up quickly, as 250,000 tons of coal are burned yearly.

In addition, MSU was recently fined $27,000 for passing the emission limits of Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrous Oxide, set forth by the EPA


The problem of rising power-demands provides an opportunity for MSU to consider implementing various non-coal power sources.

One such option would be Biofuels. Biofuels include wood, corn, garbage and its associated methane gases, and alcohol fuels. Many biofuels can be already be burned in the existing equipment at the T.B. Simon power plant, and would require little additional infrastructure. The power plant is currently testing a mixture of coal and compressed wood in their furnaces.

Wind energy is another viable option. Wind turbines require an initial investment in the form of land and building costs, but generate electricity with little cost associated with upkeep. They also have the added benefit of utilizing a free fuel source, the wind, and produce zero emissions.

Solar energy pairs well with wind power, since wind generation tends to be at its highest during periods of low sunlight, and visa versa. Solar requires a larger initial investment in materials and construction, but can be added to existing structures, and has no fuel cost or emissions.

Another option is Geothermal energy. Geothermal energy works by using the earth's heat either directly, or as a means of generating electricity. A system is already being planned for the addition on the Nursing building. Ball state is also currently constructing a large-scale geothermal power system. Geothermal would compliment other power sources well in that it is very efficient at heating buildings.

Many of these alternate energy sources have the benefit of utilizing local resources. All of MSU’s coal must be purchased out of state and then transported long distances. However, Biofuels can be obtained within Michigan, keeping our expenses local, while stimulating Michigan’s economy, and reducing shipping costs. Wind, Solar, and Geothermal energy would all generate local jobs as a result of their initial construction and upkeep.

MSU has the opportunity to be the first in the Big 10, and one of the first in Universities in the nation to move off of coal-generated electricity, and implement a more Green system in its place.

The exact solution will take some research, but a combination of power sources is likely to meet MSU’s power needs while reducing our dependence on Coal.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

Story board, transitions, and voice over.

Voice-over Script.

During The bike and bike-against house scenes (1st 20 sec)
Despite Public Transportation’s increased development and expansion, it continues to isolate Pedestrians and Bicyclists. The solution for the Lansing and East Lansing areas would be a bike sharing program. These programs consist of a network of bicycles strategically distributed around a city for low-cost use.

During the rising house-tops scenes (2nd 20 sec)
This type of system would enhance and expand upon existing public transportation, providing increased mobility with a minimum of necessary infrastructure. This stimulates development by allowing easier access to business. Studies show that for dollar invested in public transportation returns up to 6 dollars in economic benefit. The program-users will also see direct benefit, saving thousands of dollars per year that would otherwise be spent on fuel, parking, insurance and other costs.

During the breaking up cloud” scenes (40-50 seconds)
Bike-sharing programs also reduce the number of cars on the road. The majority of automobile trips are to locations 2 or fewer miles away. It is trips like this which bike-sharing would be most suited for. By decreasing these medium-distance trips, emissions can be seriously reduced.

Return to bike (last 10 seconds)
Fewer cars on the road also means less congestion, especially during peak traffic periods.
Additionally, Bicycling promotes an active and healthy lifestyle. The health benefits of riding bikes are well documented.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

3 storyboard options

3 storyboard options for the flash project.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Making a Stop-Motion Animation

Creating this stop-motion was much more work than I had originally anticipated. It totaled about 40-50 hours of animation time, and another 10 of scanning, plus miscellaneous time spent rending and recording music. Overall, I feel it was very rewarding, as I really wanted to produce something that felt authentic, in every way I could make it.

Phenome is the story of the life of a small circle. It was completed entirely through Hand Animation. All of the frames were drawn by hand, with pencil on paper, and then layered with an acrylic-stained acetate transparency to provide the background coloration. The short minute-and-a-half piece totals near 1000 frames total.

The audio is an original recording, taken from an improvised session between Kevin Folk (on bottles), Ryan Goh (on Piano), and Korey Carter (on percussion).

Below is a single frame from the animation, as well as several Master Frames (pieces of paper I used as constant references for size, placement, speed, and movement of the various figures as I animated each frame.)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Meaning of Life (By Don Hertzfeldt)

Made over a 4 year period without the aid of computers.

Three shorts for the Animation Show by Don Hetzfeldt

It's Like I Can Touch You!